Barry Dabb - New Zealand Artist.

The Heritage Series

Although never exhibited as a separate body of works the five paintings have all been purchased for a permanent collection at Waiariki Institute of Technology in Rotorua. As of October 2011 they will permanently displayed and fortunately the series will never have to broken up and sold as individual works.

Released from the duties of Tertiary teaching for a sabbatical of six weeks in 1989, Barry produced the five large works that comprise The Heritage Series.

Developed from six detailed scale cartoons in gouache on paper the works re-created and commented on the content of the artist's Art History lectures in the format of a lecturer's blackboard.

The works visually trace the simultaneous evolution of two artistic traditions; western art history and the colonisation of the Pacific and the subsequent development of Maori Art. Layers of information intertwine, reflecting our increasingly layered political, social and art historical histories.

The concept of the blackboard originated with an earlier series produced and exhibited in 1987. The second series of five canvases has never been publically exhibited.

For a recent commentary on these works visit

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